Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Font songs & personal logos

Font Songs
 On Noisy Decent Graphics, I stumbled across a funny post on font songs. Essentially, people have taken song titles and somehow incorporated the name of a typeface. A few of my favorites include:

I shot the serif
Oops I Didot again
Wind beneath my Wingdings

I think they are so funny!

Personal Logos
One thing I've been struggling with is coming up with a personal logo to use for my online and mini portfolios. I wanted to try to somehow incorporate my name because I wanted potential employers to be able to remember it, but I haven't come up with a solution yet. This site definitely helps get the creative juices flowing. It's always fun to see what others have come up with. Here are a few of my favorites.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Penguin phone covers & Stress Tips

Penguin iPhone Case
My manager recently got the most adorable iPhone case I've ever seen. It turns her phone into a penguin!

I love it! It makes me wish I had an iPhone. If you do, and you love it as much as I do, you can get it on Amazon.

Stress Tips from Ben
I know we are in the home stretch, and with getting our print editions finalized, working on iPad designs and putting together our many portfolios, our lives can be pretty stressful. Ben from Noisy Decent Graphics has some pretty good advice on how to stay positive about your workload. Here are some highlights (directly from his post):

1. Work when you work best
I'm a morning person 100%. I could get up at 5am every day and be very happy. At the other end of the day by 10pm I'm ready for bed. I've fallen asleep in every pub and every house party I've ever been too.

So working late never works for me. Very quickly diminishing returns set in. If I have loads of work to do I go to bed early and set the alarm for 5am. And you know what? I get more done, at a quicker pace than I would have done in the evening. That's partly because of the ever approaching deadline of the day starting, but it's also because your brain is alert and you can make better decisions, faster.

3. Don't do everything on your to do list
A big moment came in my life about 5 years ago. I used to regularly write To Do lists for each day. I never managed to get to the bottom of the list. If there was 10 things to to I'd manage 7. But then I realised that was OK. Not everything gets done. That's life. And that was one of the most liberating experiences of my working life.

Now I write a To Do list with the most important at the top (note NOT the most urgent). They get done first. And if the stuff and the bottom doesn't get done. It doesn't get carried over. It doesn't get done. You soon find yourself putting all the silly 'nice to have' things in the bottom bit and that's like therapy, getting them all out of your head. But then you find yourself writing shorter and shorter to do lists. Which is kind of the goal.

Make sure to check out his blog for other tips!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Looking back & fun shipping graphic

Looking back
Lately I've had more fun rummaging through the archives of noisy decent graphics than just using the latest post, so I decide to stick with that for this week. I found a post about one of the first jobs Ben applied for as a graphic artist. Turns out it was a pornographic magazine. At the interview they made him design a page in an hour. These are some sketches he found of work he did to prepare before the interview:

"I didn't get the job and I was told that my layouts weren't, er, graphic enough (not the graphic you and I mean)," Ben wrote. Too funny!

On davidthedesigner I found this really neat post about a fragile shipping label. I think putting graphics like these on boxes that might travel different countries and be handled by people speaking different languages is much more effective than using words. I think that this image is much more universal and may even have more sway in convincing people to be more careful.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Found typography and tractors in the produce section

More Found Typography
Noisy Decent Graphics hasn't been updating as much lately, so I decided to go back to the archives. I actually found a posting that highlighted the found typography of Eric Tabuchi while traveling the highways from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara. I thought this was a fun example of what we did. I wonder how long it took him to find all the letters? Was it just one trip?

What is that tractor doing in the produce section?
While I was in Springfield, IL, I went to County Market and was surprised to see a tractor sitting right in the middle of the produce section. I just had to climb up on it and have my picture wasn't until I climbed off that I noticed the sign that said "please don't ride the tractor." Oops! Anyways, I thought it was a neat way to display that they are selling local farm fresh foods. Once again, design pops up everywhere.